If a product is in stock, simply add it to your cart using the "add to cart" button shown. We will begin working on your order immediately and you can expect it to leave our warehouse within 48 hours.
If a product is temporarily out of stock, you can still pre-order it using the "pre-order now" button, and we will ship it as soon as the inventory reaches our warehouse (we'll send you an email when it ships). For the inconvenience of waiting a bit longer for your order, we would love to offer you 10% off your purchase using the coupon code: takeoff10.
If you see a grey button that says "sold out", it means that unfortunately at this time we are not able to take orders on this product. It may have been discontinued, or we simply can't predict when new stock will arrive and don't want to keep you waiting. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Please note: we use cookies and geolocation to provide you with accurate product availability. We recommend allowing cookies on our site/disabling browser blocking to ensure you are seeing accurate availability.
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Der neue P55 Vantage Carry-on ist ein schöner und zugleich robuster Koffer für alle, die viel unterwegs sind. Hergestellt aus leichtem Polycarbonat, einem eleganten YKK-Metallreißverschluss und hochwertigen Lederdetails.
- IATA-konforme Kabinengepäckgröße
- Elegante VOCIER Lederriemen
- Aluminium-Teleskopgriff
- 360° drehbare Räder mit Stahllagern
- Leichte Polycarbonat-Schale
- Luxuriöse YKK-Metall-Reißverschlüsse
Maße (cm): L55 x W40 x H20
Volumen: 37L
Gewicht: 3.0kg
Räder: 4
Außen: Polycarbont mit Lederriemen
Innen: Nylon
Reißverschluss: YKK
Für alle unsere Produkte gilt eine eingeschränkte, lebenslange Garantie, die alle Schäden an den Rollen, Griffen, Reißverschlüssen und anderen Funktionselementen des Gepäcks abdeckt. Mehr über unsere Garantie erfahren Sie hier..